6th Grader: “This is my first year of the Summer Enrichment Academy or SEA. It is awesome if you were to ask me! Whatever you do, please pay attention because whatever they tell you, you are always going to need it in your life one day. Also, don’t be scared to ask questions I promise you, they will have an answer. The most important thing I loved is the way they taught me to get ready for 7th grade!”
9th Grader: “I don’t have any concerns, but do have a comment….thank you upward bound!”
11th Grader: “My classes were very productive as well as beneficial.
10th Grader: “The classes I took were good preparation for the upcoming year. I gained a lot of Knowledge in just a matter of 5-6 weeks. Geometry was the best class because the teacher challenged us, but made it fun.”
10th Grader: “The classes prepared us for the next grade, and the activities were fun learning experiences!”
12th Grader: “more students should take full advantage of the program and be grateful that it is here to help them.”